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Imposter Syndrome

You Are What You Think About: Imposter Syndrome

July 23, 20244 min read

💫Imposter Syndrome - The Story...

Before I dive into my story, let's break down what imposter syndrom is, here's a brief summary:

Imposter syndrome is when people feel like they don't deserve their success and are afraid others will find out they're a "fraud." Even though they have clear evidence of their skills and achievements, they still believe they got where they are through luck or by tricking others into thinking they're more capable than they really are.

Some signs of imposter syndrome include:

  • Perfectionism: Setting super high standards and feeling like a failure even when doing well.

  • Overworking: Putting in extra hours to make up for perceived shortcomings.

  • Attributing success to external factors: Thinking achievements are due to luck or help from others, not personal effort or talent.

  • Fear of failure: Avoiding new challenges out of fear of being exposed as inadequate.

  • Discounting praise: Ignoring compliments and feeling like they don't deserve positive feedback.

Anyone can experience imposter syndrome, no matter their job, social status, or success level. It can lead to stress, anxiety, low self-esteem, and dissatisfaction with their work, love life, friendships and almost anywhere they show up

The Story - The Imposter Instructional Designer...

My past had been a series of 'pushing', pushing myself into situations where I felt I was biting off more than I could chew or to put it another way 'out of my depth'.

With my rocky start in life, born just 3.5 pounds who developed into a tiny, fragile child. Because of my size I would often be left feeling I could do stuff and I'd most often receive well-meant protection from my family with phrases like 'that's ok, you're small'. So I developed a self-belief that I wasn't capable.

The Reality Though...

was that I pushed myself to achieve - actually the push didn't happen until my very early 20s when I discovered that actually my story of 'I can't and it's not possible for me' wasn't true.

So I'd push myself...

and land jobs which really were a massive struggle for me. At the time I felt like a fraud, that I'd be found out at any minute that I wasn't capable of the roles I was in.

OMG, I've been

  • a senior advisor in one of the largest government organisations in New Zealand as an Instructional Designer (developing learning and development tools)

  • A training manager

  • I've run a help desk setting it up from scratch

to name a few. When looking back I realise that I'd always felt like an imposter, wondering how the heck I got the jobs in the first place!

I wanted more, so much more

I would apply for another role and get it and think 'yes, this time I'll feel good enough - this will be THE job I love'. But alas, that didn't happen, I just ended up miserable AGAIN, wondering how soon I could exit stage left! Heck did so much training. In between roles, I attended one of the first IT Bootcamps in New Zealand. By the end of the course I would attain my Microsoft Certified Professional and A+ Certification. That course was filled with all men and me and I was THE LEAST technical person out there. The whole time I felt like I had to push sh*& uphill just to get a pass, but pass I did. After passing, phrases like 'I can't believe it' would become my vocabulary. And of course, self-fulfilling prophecy, I didn't believe it!

The Realisation

It wasn't until I left the corporate/government world behind that I turly got what had happened back then.

  1. I hadn't learnt to fully appreciate myself and the abilities I DID have.

  2. I would reach higher and higher unconsciously self-sabbotaging, thinking this time I'll be found out, only....

  3. It wasn't really imposter syndrome - well partly it was BUT what really was happening was I wasn't honouring who I was and what I was truly good and and loved

💫What I used to overcome Imposter Syndrome (and still use whenever I need to)...

My practice is simple, some daily, some whenever I need to tools, here's some:

  1. Appreciation letters - to myself

  2. Accepting compliments with gratitude

  3. That's good because....

  4. Daily gratitude for what I have and don't yet have

  5. Visualisation

Most people suffer from Imposter Syndrome or what I call 'being in other people's business. You can read more about that in this week's podcast because it's oh so closely linked to thought.

The BIG Question

How has imposter Syndrom held you back in your work/relationships/life?


Awaken to Your Self Podcast

SERIES 1: The Life Shift - Episode 3: You Become What You Think About

Click the play button below to listen and/or view this week's eposide...

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